If you have found yourself in an unmanageable debt situation, and after carefully reviewing your options have concluded that personal bankruptcy is the proper path for you to take to get out of that situation, then before you can either discharge your debts under...
Month: October 2014
Big bank tries to pull face one on New Jersey homeowners
Whatever may be going on in life, a person can always find solace and comfort when they walk through the front door of their home. The prospect of losing this sense of relief and escape from the world can devastate a person and an entire...
Student loans and Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Trying to achieve a fresh start is a common reason given by New Jersey residents for filing for bankruptcy. Student loan debt can pose financial challenges in a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, because of special rules that make discharge of such debts extremely...
What can I do to stop a creditor from harassing me?
If you have not personally had an unpleasant experience dealing with a debt collector, you may know someone who has. In either event you may wonder if the collector has gone too far in its efforts to collect.What can be done to stop a creditor from engaging in...
Debts not subject to discharge under Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is conversationally referred to as "fresh start" bankruptcy because, unlike its Chapter 13 counterpart, it eliminates or "discharges" most consumer debts. But Chapter 7 should not be mistaken as a means of completely doing away with all personal...