Finding yourself under a figurative mountain of credit card debt is one of the easiest things you can do financially as an American. If this describes you, then you can take some solace that you are in popular company: the average American household that carries a...
Month: April 2015
How consumer bankruptcy advice might help in a divorce
The termination of a marriage through a divorce can be an emotionally devastating event for the parties. Suddenly, a couple that managed to support a family on two incomes must face the financial challenges that come from splitting up with each spouse having to make...
Students asking for government help to reduce debt from loans
We have written extensively in previous posts about the difficulties many students in New Jersey and elsewhere are having with the enormous amount of debt they have when they complete their college education. Students leaving college with five- and six-digit student...
Are there ways other than bankruptcy to eliminate student loans?
A consequence of a tight job market in New Jersey and elsewhere has been that more people have been seeking to gain a competitive employment advantage by going to college, often using student loans to pay for it. A related consequence is that student loan debt in the...