You may have heard that it is nearly impossible to get student loans discharged in bankruptcy proceedings. Generally, this is true, and there are more repayment options with federal loans.However, private loans still come with wiggle room. Read on to find out more....
Month: April 2017
Why are more seniors overwhelmed by credit card debt?
Credit card debt is not simply a problem for young or even middle-age people. Increasingly, seniors are carrying large amounts of credit card debt. Moreover, they have challenges for paying it off that younger people may not, particularly if they're already...
Should I file bankruptcy over medical debt?
Unpaid medical bills from an accident or illness that wind up in collection can really tank an otherwise adequate credit score. Consumers can avoid fiscal disaster by remaining proactive about their finances.Make sure that you examine and thoroughly read your monthly...
Should you put your emergency fund toward your debt?
You have been saving up an emergency fund. It's taken you a few years, but you've slowly put money away and now you have $10,000 in the bank.However, you also have $10,000 on your credit cards. You're wondering if it's better to have that emergency fund and your debt,...
Foreclosure versus short sale: weighing the ramifications
If you can no longer afford to pay the mortgage on your home, you may be weighing the consequences of proceeding with either foreclosure or a short sale. Before you commit to one course of action or the other, consider the process involved and the tax implications of...
Program aimed at helping Sandy victims avoid foreclosure
Many New Jersey residents suffered severe and in some cases irreparable damage to their homes during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Nonetheless, many are still required to pay their mortgages even as they are working to rebuild their homes.Now, thanks to recently-enacted...