Americans are increasingly relying on their credit cards to pay for a multitude of everyday expenses. For people who don't pay their credit card bills in full every month (approximately 43 percent of card holders), that means that they're paying far more than they...
Month: February 2018
Is deed in lieu of foreclosure an alternative for foreclosure?
New Jersey consumers who are facing foreclosure may wonder what their options might be. Some may consider a deed in lieu of foreclosure. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this option. Deeds in lieu of foreclosure are conveyances by which homeowners who...
What a 1099C can mean to your taxes after foreclosure
If your lender forecloses on your home or you sell it as a short sale (meaning you sell it for less than you owe the lender), the lender may forgive the unpaid balance on your mortgage. While forgiveness of unpaid debt may sound like a good thing, it may not at tax...
What are eligibility requirements to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Not just anyone is entitled to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Instead, it's necessary for you to meet established criteria to do so. If you happen to fall short in meeting those qualifications, a bankruptcy court trustee may allow you to convert your case to a Chapter...