Oliver & Legg
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How does a foreclosure affect a credit rating?

Foreclosure can happen to pretty much anyone. All it takes is a financial emergency and you get behind on your mortgage. If you are facing foreclosure and see no way to stop it, you may wonder how this is going to affect your credit. To begin with, creditors do not...

Reviewing other benefits of bankruptcy

We have gone over many bankruptcy-related issues on this blog, from the options that people who are considering bankruptcy may have to the ins and outs of different types of bankruptcy. Many people are aware that filing for bankruptcy can help a person from a...

Don’t get dragged down by student loan debt

If you took out student loans to finance a university or other post-secondary degree, chances are good that you may be feeling the weight of those loans right now. Unpaid student loan debt can be an albatross around your neck when attempting to secure financing for a...

What is predatory lending?

Buying a home that you can call your own is an exciting time for a New Jersey resident. Unfortunately, there are companies and individuals who use this time to prey upon borrowers by offering loans that are unfair and can be financially detrimental to you down the...

Watch out for these 2 foreclosure scams

If your home is in the throes of a foreclosure, or even if your home is at risk to be foreclosed on, you could draw the attention of a less-than-scrupulous foreclosure-related company. Many of these fraudulent companies refer to themselves as "foreclosure consultants"...


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