A New Jersey bankruptcy can be the light at the end of a long dark tunnel. It often provides hardworking people with a new start when financial issues, often outside of their control, have taken over their daily lives. But, to be clear, while bankruptcy can do...
When is it time to take serious steps to reduce your debt?
If being in debt has become the norm for you, as it is for many people, it may be hard to determine just when you have too much.What are some key objective criteria you can evaluate to determine if you have more debt than you should? Following are a few.You're paying...
3 myths about mortgage loan modification
A majority of homeowners have to make regular mortgage payments. According to figures offered by FiveThirtyEight, only about one out of every three American homeowners have paid off their mortgages in full. At one point or another, many homeowners need to go through...
Survey: Millennials have a healthy fear of credit card debt
Recently, we discussed the high amount of credit card debt held by Generation Xers and the fact that it's keeping some from saving for retirement, which is growing near for many of them. Their children, popularly referred to as millennials (those 18 to 34 years old),...
Can a short sale help me avoid foreclosure?
If you realize you can no longer afford your home in New Jersey, you may find yourself wondering if a short sale can help. With it, you can sell your home, move into an affordable place and say goodbye to your mortgage payments. It may seem like the perfect solution...
Credit card debt preventing retirement saving for many GenXers
When people carry a significant amount of credit card debt, virtually every area of their financial lives can be impacted. That includes how much money, if any, they're saving for retirement.The younger generation of adults, known as millennials, seems to have an...
The basics of a will
You are never too young to begin your estate planning. Starting your will can give you peace of mind, knowing that you have made the steps to ensure your loved ones do not suffer financially after your death. It can help you and other New Jersey residents to know how...
How unpaid student loans may result in losing your job
If you have student loans and you also possess a professional license issued by your state, then listen up. In at least 19 states in this country, you can have either your driver's license or professional one, or both, suspended if you default on your educational...
Additional possible options to avoid foreclosure
Not many of life's difficulties are as stressful to New Jersey residents as finding that they are looking at a possible foreclosure on their home. There are different kinds of options available for some homeowners that can prevent the foreclosure under certain...
When holiday credit card debt follows you all year
As shoppers head to the malls and their laptops this holiday weekend to begin their holiday shopping, NerdWallet has some sobering information on Americans' spending and charging habits around gift giving. In a recent survey, most people said they plan to spend...