If you are a cat owner, you know just how much your feline friend brings to your life. In addition to giving you some much-needed company, your cat improves your mental health. In fact, according to Psychology Today, simply being around a companion animal tends to...
Chapter 7
The differences between Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy
Debt is overwhelming and stressful. As you work to pay it off, it continues to build, so it seems as though there is no end in sight. If you are facing lawsuits from creditors or harassment from collections agencies, you should explore bankruptcy as an option for debt...
How bankruptcy’s automatic stay offers relief from creditors
Once your financial affairs start spiraling out of control in New Jersey, you may find yourself falling into a deeper and deeper hole. If you do not see a realistic way to dig yourself out of debt and get things back on track within the next several years, it may be...
Do you have to sell your dog during bankruptcy liquidation?
When you sit down to pay your monthly bills, you may notice your paycheck does not go as far as it once did. This is not your mind playing tricks on you. In fact, according to reporting from Reuters, the U.S. Consumer Price Index has jumped more than 4% in just one...
What is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?
When dealing with a heap of debt, the last thing you need on top of that is even more external stress. Unfortunately, this is exactly what people dealing with debt collectors often get. Some debt collectors even cross the line, harassing or intimidating you in their...
How does the means test determine Chapter 7 bankruptcy eligibility?
Chapter 7 bankruptcies offer many lower-income people the opportunity for debt forgiveness when the financial burden becomes unbearable. Qualifying for this form of bankruptcy depends on a process called the means test which involves answering a few specific questions...
Managing student loan debt after bankruptcy
When debt gets out of control, filing for bankruptcy is a way out for many people in New Jersey. While declaring bankruptcy can affect someone's credit, it may be better in the long term to discharge debts before they default. It is thus wise to stop focusing on any...
What are eligibility requirements to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
Not just anyone is entitled to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Instead, it's necessary for you to meet established criteria to do so. If you happen to fall short in meeting those qualifications, a bankruptcy court trustee may allow you to convert your case to a Chapter...
Is medical debt sending you to the poorhouse?
It's tough dealing with chronic illnesses requiring frequent emergency room visits and/or prolonged hospital stays. But it's even tougher when the hospital and the debt collection agency it employs use heavy-handed tactics to shake sick patients down for money while...
Executives of bankrupt New Jersey company facing fraud charges
Three former executives at a New Jersey-based company that is now in bankruptcy are facing charges related to illegally obtaining a credit line for $400 million. The men worked for Transmar Commodity Group Ltd., which was a cocoa trading company headquartered in...