Falling into credit card debt is often all too easy due to the way credit cards are designed to work. It takes active effort to avoid falling prey to them. How exactly does one stay out of credit card debt, in that case? After filing for bankruptcy, it is more...
Credit Card Debt
Americans say credit card debt is bad for their health
Americans are increasingly relying on their credit cards to pay for a multitude of everyday expenses. For people who don't pay their credit card bills in full every month (approximately 43 percent of card holders), that means that they're paying far more than they...
Why is America’s credit card default rate rising?
It's the time of year when people's holiday spending is coming back to haunt them. Credit card bills reflecting our purchases of gifts, decorations and holiday party supplies are hitting our email in-boxes and mailboxes.Unfortunately, the S&P/Experian Consumer...
Are you making the most of your credit card payments?
If one of your resolutions for 2018 is to pay down or even pay off your credit card balances, you should know that experts say there's a way to do it that will help you optimize your payments and ultimately lessen the interest you accrue. Of course, interest is a...
Survey: Millennials have a healthy fear of credit card debt
Recently, we discussed the high amount of credit card debt held by Generation Xers and the fact that it's keeping some from saving for retirement, which is growing near for many of them. Their children, popularly referred to as millennials (those 18 to 34 years old),...
Credit card debt preventing retirement saving for many GenXers
When people carry a significant amount of credit card debt, virtually every area of their financial lives can be impacted. That includes how much money, if any, they're saving for retirement.The younger generation of adults, known as millennials, seems to have an...
How to make headway on debt the smart way
Credit card debt is a rough topic for a lot of Americans. It's easy to get into -- especially if you hit a difficult financial patch and find yourself relying on credit cards for basic necessities.The average American family owes around $16,000 in credit debt -- which...
Can credit card debt affect your chances of finding love?
It makes sense that many people would think twice before marrying someone with significant credit card debt. After all, this is the person you'll be intertwining finances with for potentially the rest of your life. How responsible that person is with money as well as...
Reasons to not increase credit card limit
Most people are ecstatic when they receive a credit card for the first time. However, this momentous occasion has its downfalls, as evidenced by the fact the average American household has around $16,000 in credit card debt. When most people take out a credit card for...
Should you get a personal loan rather than use your credit card?
Many people are used to placing large or unexpected expenses on their credit card. Of course, if you can't repay the entire balance when the next card payment is due, you could end up having to pay a significant amount of interest.If you're not able to repay the...