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Credit Card Debt

How to cut back on summer spending

For many people, spending can get out of control, and the credit card debt can sneak up on you. Even if you don't have a big vacation planned, day trips to the beach, summer blockbuster movies, dining out, weddings (with the obligatory presents), tennis lessons for...

How to manage credit card debt

Credit debt is an ongoing problem for many people in New Jersey. Ignoring the problem will not make it go away. If you are struggling to make minimum payments, you should learn more about your options. Assess your financial situation Evaluate your financial situation...

Try new debt-reduction strategies in 2017

If your New Year's resolutions include resolving old debts, keep reading. According to the Federal Reserve, almost half of households in America can't pay off their credit card bills each month. The combined debt figure tops $800 billion owed to plastic accounts.That...


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