Did your credit cards really get a workout this holiday season? All that holiday debt can make the celebrations less merry and bright, as consumers struggle to pay down these debts far into the new year.One survey showed that over 25 percent of American consumers get...
Credit Card Debt
Don’t fall into the Black Friday trap this year
In another week, we will see the annual crush of consumerism, ironically only hours after giving thanks for what we already have. In 2015, it's estimated that 205 million shoppers crowded into retail stores all over the country on Black Friday, battling for discounted...
Are credit card debts collectible after you die?
Responsible adults don't want to leave a mountain of debt for their heirs to muddle through in the midst of their grief. But when death comes suddenly, sometimes it can't be helped, as in the case of outstanding credit card debt.Who is responsible for repaying card...
Small changes in spending patterns can bring positive results
With over 50 percent of Americans with credit cards carrying balances over each month, it's easy to see why there's a major consumer debt problem.The Urban Institute conducted some research that revealed effective ways to assist consumers with making better fiscal...
How to understand your credit card debt
If you realize you are faced with a large amount of credit card debt, you know that you don't have any time to waste. Instead of sitting around and hoping for the best, you need to understand your situation and implement a plan for getting back on track.First things...
Rebuild your credit carefully after a bankruptcy
Consumers who have gone through a bankruptcy are eager to reclaim the solid financial footing they once enjoyed. While it does take a little bit of time to rebuild your credit after filing for bankruptcy, it doesn't take as long as some might think.It's not that...
Be cautious when agreeing to settle credit card debt
Individuals who are drowning in credit card debt can get desperate. Usually by the time it gets this bad, you have long ago ceased payment on the principal and are simply struggling to remain current on the interest, meaning that you never seem to make a dent in your...
The automatic stay and bankruptcy
One of the most difficult and stressful parts of having debt problems is the fact that borrowers become the targets of aggressive debt collection agencies. These debt collectors can be rude, invasive and they will track borrowers down wherever they are. They will even...
How should I talk to my children about debt problems?
In many New Jersey families, there is a big information gap between children and parents when it comes to the financial aspects of running a household. Then, when parents are having debt problems, they may be even less likely to tell their children about it. Children...
Credit card debt is on the rise in the United States
United States consumers appear to be accruing unsustainable levels of credit card debt. According to a recent article on Seeking Alpha, consumers are not paying attention to the lessons they learned during the recent economic downturn, which our nation is still in the...