Credit cards are powerful weapons. A weapon can be used for a positive end as well as for a negative end. Basically, consumers can end up with a glowing credit score, or they can end up with credit card debt, a low credit rating and the stress that goes along with...
Credit Card Debt
CFPB tries to ease stress for consumers with credit card debt
No one likes to be in debt. Waking up in the morning, knowing that one owes debts that they can't afford at the time is a stressful situation for anyone. Getting incessant letters and phone calls from creditors doesn't help levels of stress.Not only is such pestering...
Credit card debt down among those under 30
Credit cards are double-edged swords. They can help you make ends meet as well as get things you want but don't quite have the money to pay for outright. When their balances are kept low and paid off quickly, they pose no problem for most users. But they also come...
Medical bills are often a huge contributor to credit card debt
A recently conducted survey shows that the average amount of credit card debt most households carry is down from $9,887 five years ago, to $7,145 at present. However, many households still rely on credit cards to pick up basic living expenses to cover rent, bills,...
Study finds fewer college students obtaining credit cards
College campuses and popular spring break sites used to be cluttered with credit card companies trying to get as many students as possible to apply for a card. These days, the atmosphere is somewhat different, as the Credit Card Responsibility and Disclosure Act has...