Many people pull out a credit card to pay for purchases without really thinking about the consequences that can come from that decision. It is possible to use credit responsibly, but it is also possible that something will happen that means you suddenly find yourself...
Credit Card Debt
Do you know what fees you’re paying on your credit card?
Credit cards can have many advantages if you choose the right ones and use them responsibly. With so many cards to choose from, you can select the ones that give you rewards, cash back or other benefits without annual fees. If you pay your card off in full each month,...
How should businesses handle credit card debt?
Credit card debt typically has an association with individual people. However, it can also impact businesses that rely on credit cards to keep operations going smoothly. In 2015, there were nearly 14 million credit card accounts for small businesses in the United...
Watch out for the end of introductory rates
You've always heard about how credit cards have such insane interest rates. Then you get an offer in the mail for a card with a 0 percent introductory rate.You're tempted. Why not use it? You can make a big purchase, then pay it off slowly. It's the same as saving the...
Study: Too much credit card debt, not enough retirement savings
Many Americans are not saving enough money for retirement, or even enough to have a cushion if they face an emergency or incur unforeseen expenses.According to a recently-published study by Schwab Retirement Plan Services, only half of those surveyed said they were...
Credit card debt soars to a new high
Credit cards are more common than ever. People use them for everything from online purchases to buying gas at the pump.It may come as no surprise, then, to learn that credit card debt just hit $1.027 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve. That's the highest it's...
Take control of overwhelming credit card debt
Credit cards are an important part of how many people make ends meet from one paycheck to another. These credit accounts aren't a huge deal unless the balances get out of control. This is something that can be devastating to your finances.We understand that things...
How do people end up with overwhelming credit card debt?
We live in a world where we can swipe our credit card virtually everywhere while barely a thought to the ever-increasing balance on our card. Therefore, it's not surprising that many people rack up thousands of dollars in credit card debt that they can't pay. However,...
Tips for finding a credit card for your college-bound child
If your teen is going off to college this fall, you may be considering getting him or her a credit card to use for unexpected expenses and emergencies. The prospect of a credit card in your son or daughter's hands, however, may be frightening. Following are some...
Why you should pay your credit card bills early
If you pay your credit card bills in full and on time every month, you're way ahead of a lot of Americans. You save yourself interest charges, late fees and potential harm to your credit score. However, you probably wait to pay until just before it's due, right? Why...