Personal credit cards have become an institution in today’s economy. But while they can be useful in allowing people to enjoy things that they might not otherwise be able to acquire right away, they also open up an avenue for the same people to quickly get into...
Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt accounts for 10 percent of U.S. consumer debt
Americans often rely on using credit to make both necessary and luxury purchases. Unfortunately, this consumer culture has led to a great deal of credit card debt in the country. The inability to pay bills on time, and making only minimum payments, could result in...
Credit card debt becoming more manageable for some Americans
Many New Jersey residents and other Americans spend money beyond their means by using credit cards, but a recent survey conducted by Gallup proved that this notion might be changing.With the book launch and movie release of “The Confessions of a...
Private student loan fine print causes financial challenges
A clause in the private student loan agreements for students in New Jersey and around the country helps to spur the debt burden facing recent graduates. Borrowers who used a parent or other relative to co-sign have recently been forced to pay the entire loan balance...
How to manage credit card debt while dealing with unemployment
With the uncertainty that many people are facing in the current economy, many able and willing workers in New Jersey are struggling to find full-time employment. Even when a worker is laid off and left unemployed, the worker still has to continue paying for expenses...
Are you in over your head with credit card debt?
Being in over your head with credit card debt can feel embarrassing and overwhelming, which is why many people stay in a state of denial. They may push financial worries out of their minds while continuing to spend money they don't have. These individuals may even...
Medical credit cards: Tempting to the vulnerable, but dangerous
When someone has a painful tooth or needs an important medical procedure done, they tend to be in a desperate position. Sure, most wouldn't expect that a medical or dental procedure is free, but one would hope that the treatment wouldn't get them into credit card debt...
Steps to avoid getting overwhelmed by credit card debt
Each individual consumer has his and her reason why they might be struggling with debts. Maybe someone relied heavily on loans and credit cards in order to finish and pay for college. Maybe another person was laid off and had a mortgage to pay and a family to support....
Why more women might find themselves with credit card debt
If you are lucky, you have never had to tap into an emergency money fund. If you are smart, however, you have an emergency fund.For the times when bad luck might strike, having a significant amount of money saved up to get you through the hardship can save you from...
How to avoid the bad about credit cards, part 2
In our previous post, we began a list of tips for consumer to try to stick to so they can hopefully avoid stresses of credit card bills. There are enough unavoidable troubles in life such as illness and loss that it is important for consumers to take control of their...